Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Soreness, pull ups, and frozen pipes

I stayed with Alex & Andi last night because our pipes had frozen at our house.  They get up at an insane hour to go to the gym so I actually got to the school gym right after it opened (after stopping by my house to see if the water was back on--and it was, yay!).  I couldn't even look at the treadmills this morning.  My quadriceps are quite sore from the run yesterday.  I rowed to warm up (and did a short stretch) then did 45 minutes of core and upper body strength training before a 10 minute final stretch.  I tried out some of the exercises from my new plyometrics book.  We'll see how I feel tomorrow.  I don't feel wrecked like I do after running, but I need to be able to do pull ups/chin ups so hopefully this new regimine will be effective.  I found a website with recommendations on how to do more pull ups (over here).

It boils down to these 4 things:
  1. do more pull ups (since i can't do any actual pull ups; i just hand from the pull up grips and try to bend my elbows a bit)
  2. do negatives (the part of the pull up where you're letting yourself down (I hand't thought of this, I'll try it out next time)
  3. do lat pull-downs, the inverse of a pull up (I did 30 of these today, I'll try to up the weight next time--I only had it on 50 lbs)
  4. use an assisted pull-up machine (we don't have one of these in the gym so I'll not be doing this one)

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