Friday, January 7, 2011

Incline Intervals, again, and thoughts about protein

I tried running incline intervals again.  I can't decide if it was harder or easier than the first time.  Maybe about the same.  I didn't try to do anything at 10% this time and I did a short stretch after my warmup (go me!).  So the overall time was longer 30 minutes at 5.0 mph or higher.  I set it up as rest-incline-rest-incline-rest-rest with each segment being 5 minutes.  The incline segments were 5.0 mph at 5% incline and the rest segments were half 5.0 and half 5.5 mph.  Then I did a 5 minute cool down (4.5 - 3.5 mph).  Total of 3.38 miles in 40 minutes brunging 430 calories.  Then I went to the 30 minute Ab Attack fitness class.  It was fun but I was just so tired all day yesterday (even before the running).

Workout Summary for the day: incline interval running total of 3.38 miles in 40 minutes burning 430 calories + 25 min Ab Attack class

I started having more protein shakes yesterday.  Alex found a recommendation of 1g protein/kg of body mass which puts me at ~70 g of protein a day.  On a 3-veggie burger day I'm lucky to get 50g.  We'll see if I can keep choking down the shakes.  They are not particularly appetizing.  But the ones I have now are at least better than the Pea Protein powder I had before (I actually threw out more than half of it it was so horrifically bad tasting).  It makes me shudder just thinking about it.  Guh.

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