Thursday, January 6, 2011

And so it begins

So Tuesday I started training specifically for the Tough Mudder.  I ran intervals on the treadmill, but instead of speed intervals I changed the incline like this:
5 min warm up at 4.5 mph
5 min at 5 mph at an incline of 5%
5 min at 5 mph with no incline
5 min at 5 mph at an incline of 5%
5 min at 5 mph with no incline
1 min at 5 mph at an incline of 10% (I was thinking of doing 2-3 minutes, but this was killer)
4 min at 5 mph with no inclin
5 min cool down at 4.5 to 3.5 mph
~10 minute stretch
 My right knee hurt quite a bit after this workout (and it also hurt doing pirouettes in ballet last night).  And after three weeks of no ballet, I've lost a lot of flexibility, but I think it will come back a lot faster the second time around.  I went to yoga last night before ballet to try to pre-stretch a bit.  The first 15 minutes was all breathing stuff, which I cannot get into in the beginning.  The positions were really difficult and awesome and the last portion of relaxation I got more into.  Then the last 2 minutes or so was this semi-religious crap.  I can't stand it.  I just tried to tune out.

Monday, I also started back to my vegan diet (though I hate calling it that).  I've already lost most of the weight I gained over the holidays, yay!  Maybe a pound more and I'll be back where I was.  I need to start keeping track of calories again because otherwise I don't think I eat enough for all the exercise I do.  My food paranoia makes me tend toward under eating when I don't keep track meticulously.  I only think it's a problem because I started seeing spots in my peripheral vision after doing a bunch of leaps at the end of ballet.  Not good.  Usually, I just get dizzy when I stand up from sitting; this was different.  I immediately got in the car and ate an apple.

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