Monday, January 24, 2011

My longest run ever

Alex did another 10k on Saturday so I finally attempted it today.  I think we're generally near the same fitness level so we trade workouts kind of.  Like he tried the inclined interval runs that I talked about in a previous post.

The max time on the treadmill is 60 minutes so I just set it for that.  I did 5 minutes @ 4.5mph to warm up, then 5 min @ 5.5 then 30 min at 6.0.  Then the last ~20 min @ 5.5 again.  About every 5-10 minutes I would walk at 4.0 mph for a minute so I could drink water and prevent a stroke.  My max heart rate is around 170 bpm (200 - age), and each time I went down to the walk speed to drink, I measured my heart rate.  It was usually at 161 bpm (though it takes ~30 seconds to register).  In 60 min, I went 5.50 miles (8.8km).  The longest run I've ever done is a 5km (3.1 miles) so I'm feeling pretty good about it despite not getting to 10km.  And I'm feeling pretty good about the >700 calorie burn.  I celebrated with a bit of the red velvet cake sitting in the community room.

I think from now on, I'll alternate between shorter inclined interval runs and long-distance runs for the running part of my training.

I could never be a marathoner.  I am just not a natural long-distance runner.

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