Monday, March 21, 2011

My longest ride ever

Yesterday, Alex and I went for a 58 mi bike ride (this is the approximate map).  It was too cold, and I had a lot of neck pain, but the ride was great overall.  I think the cause of my neck pain is a combination of not being used to the new riding geometry and neck muscle weakness.

We went on three other rides last week.  They were all quite uncomfortable from my bike being poorly fitted to me.  I got it adjusted on Saturday, and the re-fitted bike is quite a different and welcome ride.  Of the 4 rides (~106 miles), I've fallen off the bike twice--not a great track record with the new pedals.  I've got some wicked bruises on both elbows, both legs (from the handlebars), and the back of my head (well a bump anyway).  They're kind of awesome!  As is the dent in my helmet (left middle--I obviously landed on a pebble, though it felt like a hammer):

And these are from the ride yesterday:
County road 73 where we turned to go to Riverhead.  This road was the fastest section of the whole ride averaging ~20mph.

Me on Sound Avenue waiting for my feet to regain feeling.

Sound Avenue, it looks completely flat.  It was not.

All of this riding will be better when I no longer have a caffeine withdrawal headache on top of everything; every time we were riding over rough road and potholes, I stood up to try to avoid jarring my head.

Alex wrote up a much more thorough version of the ride over here.

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