Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Week of Firsts

I did my first ride of the season on Monday.  It was just right around Stony Brook, but it was lovely.  Cold, and I fell off my bike, and my bike seat seriously needs to be adjusted, but lovely.  This was the first time I used my new clipless pedals (worst name ever as my being clipped in precipitated my falling over).  We stopped on the side of Old Field Road on the way to Old Field Light House.  My right foot was unclipped and touching the ground but my left foot was still clipped in.  I somehow overballanced to the left and the next thing I know I'm on the road.  I just barely skinned my left knee and I have an awesome bruise on my left elbow.  My arm is still sore two days later.

The bike seat is rock-like in hardness, but the main problem was that is was oriented so my weight wasn't distributed properly.  There was way to much pressure on my pubic bone--so much that even putting my hands on the drops briefly was pretty uncomfortable.

We planned to do another lunch ride today, but I'm exceedingly sore from ballet last night (we did all this weird new stuff working on turn-out).  And I'm going off caffeine starting today.  I imagine by lunch I'll have a headache.  But maybe that won't start until after.

 I also used my new cast iron skillet/griddle for the first time last night.  The results were AWESOME.
A Kind of vegan cheese steak sandwich thingy.  So awesome.

I feel like there was some other first as well, but I forget now.

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