Monday, January 10, 2011

Training and Unintended Weight Loss

Okay so I still haven't been calorie counting and without realizing it until this morning, I lost 7.1 pounds in a week, well actually in 6 days.  That is so not a healthy rate of weight loss especially at my current weight (that's over 4% loss).  So my new plan is to have a protein shake with every meal.  And also to actually look at the numbers I type in my phone every morning after I weigh.  I'm usually still mostly asleep.

I did the interval incline runs again and it was was at the limit of my endurance, but I also hadn't eaten breakfast.  I know, I know.
Time         % Incline     mph
5 min              0             4.0
5 min              0             5.0
5 min              5             5.0
5 min              0             5.0
5 min              5             5.0
5 min              0             5.0
5 min              5             5.0
5 min              0             3.5
That last incline was killer.

I'm gonna do better.  And start working on upper body too.

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